
Nozzles, what are they used for?

Nozzles are – in large numbers – used in the hopper (to rinse in out) and in the draghead (to loosen dredgeslurry). They are prone to wear. Over the years we have developed nozzles that are easier to replace.



Nozzle for draghead and hopper by Matecs 2


The nozzles may have shut-off flaps, preventing slurry to enter the flushing system. They are wear-resistant, easy to fit, lightweight and can be replaced easily. Furthermore the shut-off flaps can be replaced separately, thus reducing costs and the waste of material.
Nozzle for draghead and hopper by Matecs 3


Our nozzles may also be executed with special polyurethane inserts. Due to the design of these inserts, the wearing of (metal) casings is prevented, so only part of the nozzle needs to be replaced. Wear resistant

Wear Resistant

In collaboration with our specialized partner in the field of polyurethane applications, we have developed various types, based on customer experience. The material used for both our inserts as well as for our flaps are wear resistant, light weighted and easy to replace.

Nozzle for draghead and hopper by Matecs 1
Nozzles Matecs Custom Built

Custom design

We supply our nozzles in a standard execution, but can also supply you with customized executions. Please let us know your specific requirements.

Contact us

Cor Jan de Jong

Senior Sales Engineer

Ko Tanis

Managing Director

More information or specific questions?