

Dredge valves, also known as rubber ring valves, are used on dredgers. They stand out because of their long life span, easy maintenance and low weight. The various parts are separately replaceable and reusable, making our valve sustainable. Hydraulic components are suited for the use of biodegradable oil. It’s sealing rings are suitable for abrasive applications.
Vox Ariane at the Singapore Strait


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Our standard product

Our longtime experience made our valves “built-to-purpose”, for we included over 50 years of customer feedback in our products.
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Customized to your needs

Circumstances and condition may vary greatly, therefore we have been customizing the dredge valves for different customers for many years. Please inform us of your specific requirements (i.e. reduced height, side-mounted and so on) and let us advice and build the best dredge valve for you.

Production proces

The entire production of our dredge valves, from design to finished product, takes place at our own facility. All different types are engineered using FEM strength calculations.
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Matecs - Dredge Valves - Spare Parts

Spare parts for wear and tear

The various parts of the valve (i.e. valve body, cylinder, rings, gate and so on) are separately replaceable and reusable.

Contact us

Cor Jan de Jong

Senior Sales Engineer

Ko Tanis

Managing Director

More information or specific questions?