

In the dredging industry, both also in many other fields of industry, casted components are used widely. We can supply various products and components of both cast iron and cast steel as well as non-ferrous metals. Based on our expertise we can select the foundry that best suits your wishes and purposes. When requested, certification, as well as destructive or non-destructive testing and inspection by any notified body can be provided. We distinguish ourselves because we can supply in-house machining, furthermore we provide optimal expediting services and quality control, thus being your “one-stop-shop” for these specialty parts.

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Customized to your needs

All castings are produced according to your specifications, and when applicable, with sufficient allowance for machining.

Production proces

In-house machining, optimal expediting services and quality control at our facility. Patterns for single or multiple casting can be supplied.
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Contact us

Cor Jan de Jong

Senior Sales Engineer

Ko Tanis

Managing Director

More information or specific questions?